
You will find commonly used legal terms in this glossary. You can click on the letter to jump to the words that begin with that letter or scroll down the page.



Neglect is the failure (whether intentional, careless or due to inadequate experience, training or skill) to provide basic care or services when agreed to by legal, contractual or otherwise assumed responsibility. Neglect is a common form of mistreatment and includes the neglect of a child, elder, or other person with whom one has a caregiver relationship.

Negotiate, negotiation

When people talk and compromise to settle a dispute or solve a problem.

No Contact Orders

An order in which a Judge orders one person to stay away from another person. The judge will usually prohibit both direct and indirect contact (such as getting another person to pass a message) between the two people as well. 

Non-Custodial Parent

Under the Divorce Act, the parent who does not have custody of the child.

Not Guilty

"Not Guilty" is a plea made by an accused person to argue that they did not commit the crime. This plea places the burden on Crown Counsel to prove the accused's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Also the finding of a judge or jury following a trial in which Crown Counsel was unable to prove the accused's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.


To certify something such as a signature on a legal document as authentic or legitimate by affixing a Notary Public’s stamp and signature.

Notary Public (Notary)

A professional legal or public officer (includes all lawyers) with the authority to administer or commission oaths and affirmations; certify affidavits, declarations, or other documents; take acknowledgements; take depositions or testimony; commission an Affidavit of Personal Service or an Affidavit of Ordinary Service; and prepare wills, mortgages, and other legal documents. They also officially authenticate/witness signatures; certify documents as true copies; provide affidavits of lost documents, name changes, and notarial certificates; and duplicate original notarizations.

Notice of Claim

The court form the claimant uses to make the claim.

Notice of Family Claim

In Supreme Court, the document that starts a family law case. It sets out information about the claimant and respondent, their relationship, and the final orders the claimant wants. If applying jointly with a spouse for a divorce, a Notice of Joint Family Claim is used. 

Notice of Motion

A form used for a type of application to the court. It sets out what the party who prepares the Notice of Motion is asking for and the reason for the request.