After the Trial

Last Reviewed: April 2022 Reviewed by: JES Download

Can I Discuss the Case When the Trial is Over?

Jurors are only able to discuss information related to the case that is public information. Jurors are not permitted to discuss the deliberations of the jury or any discussion that occurred between the jury members behind closed doors. Doing so could result in the juror being charged with a criminal offence.


Are There Supports for Jurors After the Trial? 

Jury trials can include materials that may be traumatic for the jurors to view. In British Columbia, the Juror Support Program is available to jurors on completion of jury duty. The Juror Support Program is a free counselling service available to all types of jurors, and allows for four free one-hour counselling sessions. A juror cannot discuss the details of the jury deliberations during these sessions, but they can discuss their feelings about the experience and receive advice.

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