
Last Reviewed: April 2022 Reviewed by: JES Download

Get Organized

Family law is complex. It’s a process. For most separating couples, it takes more than one year from the date of separation to the date when the divorce is finalized. The process may continue even after you reach a final order or agreement on parenting as such arrangements can be revisited as the children’s needs change. Throughout the process, it is important to be organized and keep good records. It can be helpful to create a binder with information like: legal questions and answers, parenting issues, financial information, issues to be resolved, legal documents, etc. 

When it comes to representing yourself in your family law matter, nothing is more important than preparation. Being organized is the first step you can take to help ensure a positive outcome in your case. 

DIY Tools

Use the Family Law Information Worksheet to note key information related to your case.

Get Help provides a series of Family Law Guidebooks for Self-Representing Litigants. Review this information and take notes when you have questions or need more information. 

In BC, there are a range of free legal help services and resources available to support you through the separation and divorce process. This Guidebook provides information on how you can get help to move your divorce forward. It outlines free and lost-cost legal help options, and categorizes available legal help services and resources. In addition, this Guidebook encourages you to hire a lawyer based on how much you can afford and assists you to choose the right lawyer for you.

Filing Fees

Even if you are going to handle all aspects of your divorce yourself, there are costs to be paid for filing court documents. These are called Filing Fees. There may be other costs to pay as well, such as payments for Sheriff services and witness fees.

Read the Rules

See the BC Supreme Court fees for more information.

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